Friday, September 9, 2016

Eiffel Tower, Paris.

Place for tourism-

Eiffel Tower, Paris…

History -
Eiffel Tower is one of the world's most famous landmarks of Paris. It was opened in the year 1889 as an entrance arc to universal exposition or world’s fair. For the next 41 years the it stand as tallest man made structure in the world, have height of 320 meters.

The construction of Eiffel tower started in 1887 and took two years for the completion. It was named after Gustave Eiffel, the French architect in the head of construction of Eiffel tower.

Around 10000 tonnes of Iron are used for the construction of Eiffel tower. As Eiffel tower became globally popular structure it reconstructed in Nevada of United States and Tokyo.

The tower repainted in every seven years to protect it from corrosion, demand 50 tonnes of paint. Tourist can access first two levels of Eiffel tower, can use staircase or life for it.

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